Streamlining the optimisation of
Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems and Prototype technologies in process industries

30 Partners

9 Countries

14,99M€ EU Funding

48 Months

30 Partners 9 Countries 14,99M€ EU Funding 48 Months

StreamSTEP aims to enhance heating energy management in industrial processes.

The goal is waste heat recovery across a wide temperature range, using innovative heat exchanger prototypes and high‑temperature heat pumps.

StreamSTEP will implement a holistic process digital twinning pipeline, which will provide the infrastructure for optimisation agents to manage energy balance and storage, monitor GHG emissions avoidance and integrate data‑driven LCA processes.

This process will lead to the recovery and reuse of 50% to 90% of heat waste, with a payback period of less than 3 years, boosting productivity and energy flexibility.


Heat Waste

These innovations will be enabled by advanced manufacturing techniques and novel material alloys demonstrated across five sectors.

░ Copper

▨ Ceramics

◈ Silicon

◉ Plastics

▩ Oil and Gas